Nina Gray Awarded 2022 Murray Hendel Award

Nina Grey
Nina Grey was awarded the 2023 Murray Hendel Award.
In 2017, the Collier Citizens Council established the Murray Hendel Award to honor of one of its founders and first president, Murray Hendel.
This annual award is presented to Collier County leaders who have made extraordinary contributions to their community.
This year’s recipient is Nina Gray, whose dedication to helping the less fortunate goes back 40 years. A licensed mental health counselor, who helped launch Avow Hospice in 1982 and became its first CEO. She later served as CEO of the Neighborhood Health Clinic and in 2016 created the Collier Resource Center, an organization that connects people needing assistance with local health and human resources.
Ms. Gray says, “Service is the rent we pay for living. This is my philosophy. I am committed to improve the quality of life for those who need help.”
The event will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 on Thursday, February 23rd at Naples Hilton. 5111 Tamiami Trail No. Naples FL 34103
Past winners were….
2017 – Carrie Kerskie, for her efforts in combatting identity theft
2018 – Judge Janeice Martin, for her work to advance mental health services
2019 – Nancy Lascheid, for her leadership in providing medical care to the underprivileged
2022 – Kevin Rambosk
Contact, Nancy Kerns 239-821-5208 ,Email: